Rainwater Harvesting Information

by Ri Industries Ri Industries No Comments

A question has been posed by a number of customers over the course of the past few weeks, so we thought it best to answer the question right here in our blog. The question relates to catching rainwater for harvesting.

To begin, rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for landscape irrigation and other uses. It has become a popular topic of conversation as it can be very beneficial, especially in a dry climate like ours in South Australia (although we appreciate we have just had the wettest July day in 75 years!)
Some benefits of rainwater harvesting are:
• Reduce water bills
• Provide an alternative water supply during water restrictions
• Help maintain a green, healthy garden
• Depending upon the tank size and climate, rainwater harvesting can reduce mains water use by 100%
• Decreases storm water runoff, thereby helping to reduce local flooding.
People have been asking where the rainwater is caught. Rainwater can be collected from most roof types, depending on the quality of rainwater required.
For garden or lawn irrigation:
• collect from any roof material except unsealed asbestos
• ensure all gutters fall towards the outlets
• preferably fit an effective leaf screen to the gutters
• use gutter outlets that fit to the underside of the gutter.
For all other uses, also:
• prevent vegetation from overhanging the roof
• clean the roof and gutters before installing the system
• fit a good quality leaf screen to gutters or use a leaf-shedding gutter.
For drinking water, avoid collecting rainwater:
• from sections of roof containing lead flashing or asbestos sheeting, and from roofs painted with pre-1980 paint. If they cannot be avoided, seal properly by preparing the surface and painting with a suitable potable-quality roof sealant, and do not collect rainwater from the first few rainfall events after sealing
• in areas where airborne toxins are present from nearby activities such as crop-dusting and chemical processing.
If no leaf screen is fitted to gutters, fit leaf-shedding rain-heads to the downpipes to intercept leaves and reduce excessive leaf build-up.


Ri Industries Rainwater Tank
Ri-Industries manufactures pre-cast concrete rainwater tanks with the following advantages to non-concrete tanks:
• The water stays cooler.
• No algae develops.
• The water has no after-taste.
• They are bullet proof, vandal-proof and fire-proof.
• Being underground means they are out of sight and don’t take up much of your valuable real estate.
• Above ground tanks can be spray painted to fit in better with your surroundings.
• Concrete is stronger and more durable.
Do you have more questions? Call us at 08 8444 8100 and we will be happy to assist you.

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