Water conservation is especially important in Australia, but can take a bit of effort. By adjusting the way you bathe, do dishes, wash laundry, etc, you can save a little water here and a little water there. That’s great. Every drop counts. There is a way, however, to dramatically increase the amount of water you and your family save with little to no effort on your part! How? Have Ri Industries install a concrete rainwater tank.
How much water can you save with a rainwater tank? Here are some statistics based upon a family of four in Adelaide, with a 100m² roof catchment area and a 1000L tank. In one year, enough rainwater will be captured to:
- Flush a toilet twice per day per person
- Provide one bath per person per week (150L tub)
- Run a sprinkler system for one hour five days a week (1.5 L/min)
- Wash dishes in the dishwasher every day
- Give each person a 5 minute shower twice a week (standard flow shower)
Now that’s saving a lot of water! Learn more about Ri Industries concrete rainwater tanks by calling 08 8444 8100.