To Bidet or Not To Bidet?

by Ri Industries Ri Industries No Comments

Bidets are often thought to go hand in hand with the ultra rich, but in recent years environmentalists have sparked a debate over the benefits of bidet usage. Ri Industries would like to offer some of the points of discussion to help you get to the, ahem, bottom of the issue and decide for yourself if using a bidet fits in your environmental plan.

Perhaps your first thought is, wait a minute! Australia has a dangerously dry climate and we work so hard to conserve water. Why on earth would I add water to a dry process that has worked just fine for me? Well that’s a reasonable question. Obviously, using a bidet will increase the amount of water used during each trip to the bathroom, but there are many factors which show using a bidet may actually result in less overall water usage.

Before we expand on the water usage, let’s discuss saving the trees. What? When did trees enter our bathrooms? Trees are wrapped around that spindle in the form of toilet paper. Think about how much toilet paper you use on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Now multiply that by the number of people in your household, your city, etc. We use a lot of toilet paper. There have been many studies to learn exactly how much and the consensus is that each person uses approximately 1 – 2 rolls of toilet paper per week. That means 1 person uses about 100 rolls per year. 1 pine tree can produce 2000 rolls or enough toilet paper for 20 people per year. In 2015, Australia had an estimated population of 23.9 million people. 11,950 trees will be sacrificed for Australians on a yearly basis. What is the bidets impact on this? Complete elimination of toilet paper, or at the least, a reduction in the use of toilet paper. While the bidet will handle the cleaning aspect, some may still want assistance with the drying process. Of course cloth could be used, but again, some may prefer using something disposable.

So it seems rather clear that using a bidet can reduce paper waste, but let’s go back to water waste. How does a bidet save water if it in fact introduces more water into the bathroom process? The answer brings us back to toilet paper. What you may not realize is just how water intensive the paper manufacturing process is. According to, “Even if water used by a mill is locally sourced, rather than drawn from a municipal system, the effluent from paper production invariably finds its way back into the environment. That means a flood of organic waste and chemical residue which must be processed or, worse yet absorbed, after being treated and dumped into some unlucky river or ocean.” Bidets use a fraction a the water used to manufacture toilet paper; even less than manufacturing recycled toilet paper.

These are two of the major points in the debates about the environmental impact of bidets. What are your thoughts? Would you be comfortable using a bidet if it made a positive impact on our environment?


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