Preparing Your Septic Tank for Colder Weather

by Ri Industries Ri Industries No Comments

It was a brutally hot summer, but we made it through and are being rewarded with cooler temperatures now. As the days and nights continue to grow colder as we move through Autumn, it’s time to prepare your septic system to work its best during the long winter months. Let’s discuss tips to prepare your septic tank for the colder weather.

  • Get Pumped! Septic tanks don’t need to be pumped every year, in fact on average they should be pumped every 3 – 5 years, but if this is the year that yours should be pumped do it before it gets too cold outside. Colder temperatures mean the ground becomes more difficult to break through and accessing your tank is therefore more difficult
  • Inspection Time! Locate the lid of your septic tank and inspect it for cracks and/or holes. A secure lid is imperative to keep small animals, debris, and even children from getting inside the tank. Plus, we want to trap heat inside the tank because there is resident anaerobic bacteria in the septic tank that break down the solid waste materials and treat the raw wastewater that your household produces. The heat maintains a high level of metabolism among the bacteria. Ri-Industries offers stand-alone child-proof and vandal-proof concrete lids for our tanks should you need a replacement.
  • Protect! The drainage field around the septic tank should be protected during the cold months since freezing temperatures and frozen ground can cause damage. Insulate the drainage field by covering it with a layer of mulch a couple of inches thick.
  • Use It! Regular use of the septic system is important to keep things moving properly. Normal, everyday household use is typically sufficient. If you plan on being away during the winter months, arrange for someone to stop by and make sure your septic system gets some use.

That’s all there is to it! Just a few simple steps to help protect your septic tank and keep it working properly for you throughout the colder winter months. Of course, if you have questions or find you need a new septic tank, please call us at 08 8444 8100.



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